How to use your Bee Revival Kit

So you’ve just purchased your bee rescue keyring, you find a tired, thirsty bee on your travels and you’re wondering how to best use your Bee Revival Kit.

We’ve created an in-depth how-to guide for you, detailing the safest and most effective way to use your Bee Revival Kit. What’s contained inside our Bee Revival Kits:

  • 1x Revive a Bee – Bee Revival Kit (containing a vile of syrup specifically designed for bee nutrition and consumption)
  • 1x Plantable Seed Paper Backboard (containing UK native seeds including Daisy, Poppy and Forget Me Not)

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Opening your compostable cellophane

When you first receive your Revive a Bee keyring, it will be contained inside a compostable cellophane packaging.

You can either peel off the adhesive flap at the bottom of the package or simply tear it across the upper area of the packaging. Add the waste to your compost heap, and it will break down over time, leaving no nasty chemicals behind.

Plantable Seed Packaging

We operate a Flower First Policy here at Revive a Bee. This simply means that before any other method, the best way to help bees and pollinators is to plant pollen and nectar-rich flowers.

This led us to plantable packaging and incorporating bee-friendly seeds that every single one of our supporters can grow. Learn more about our Flower First Policy. We’ve created another guide detailing exactly How to plant and grow your packaging.

Identifying if a Bee needs help

With great power comes great responsibility! No, but it’s important to understand when and where a bee may need your assistance and any instances where they would not.

When to help

First of all, planting your Wildflower seed packaging will always help bees over and over again.

Planting pollen and nectar-rich species will create resource-rich areas for bees and pollinators alike. Your Bee Revival Kit is perfect for finding a tired, thirsty bee in a resource-poor area.

A distinct lack of flora viable for bees defines a resource-poor area. These areas often include heavily built-up residential areas, commercial grounds, train stations, airports, and any large-scale urban hubs.

In short, if you’re surrounded by buildings and concrete as far as the eye can see, you’re undoubtedly in a resource-poor area for bees and pollinators. If you find a bee in an area with busy footfall or passing vehicles, use a leaf or sheet of paper to remove her/him to safety carefully.

When not to help

Just like us, bees also have a natural life cycle, and just like us, it eventually runs out. Much like understanding when to help, it’s equally important to know when not to help.

If you find a bee in a resource-rich area such as a meadow, garden, wood, forest or coastal area, we strongly recommend not trying to help.

This purely comes down to the resources already available, if a bee is surrounded by pollen and nectar-rich flowers they will not gain any benefit from the specially formulated syrup inside our Bee Revival Kits.

Opening your Bee Revival Kit

So you’ve assessed the situation and established your bee needs help…To open your Bee Revival Kit, place the top of the capsule firmly in your dominant hand and rotate the lower half of the capsule in an anti-clockwise direction until the capsule opens.

When required, you can repeat this process to open the vial contained inside.

Using your Bee Revival Kit

Approach the bee carefully to avoid startling or distressing it in any way, and place your vial close to the bee. You mustn’t hassle or force the bee to try and drink.

If it needs sustenance, it will quickly sense the high fructose content in our syrup and start feeding until it’s full. In most cases, a bee will only feed for a few seconds, but if particularly exhausted, it may stay longer.

Ensure your bee isn’t hassled or moved while feeding, as it may feel unsafe and fly away before it’s finished.

How to refill your kit

Each of our kits will be suitable for saving two to three bees without needing to be refilled (unless you run into a particularly thirsty bee).

When it comes to the time you need to refill your refill kit, you have two options:


So, we’ve covered in detail how to use your bee revival kit. The only thing left now is to get outside, start planting and start saving bees!

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